We will use this simple data1 set in all our tutorials. If we use 4th column as label, the 3rd column will be feature, vice versa.
Table of Contents
Gradient boost for regression
The loss function of gradient boost defined as
Gradient boost for classification
Caveat To avoid heavy notation, we ignored summation symbol.
For a binary classificaton problem, we can define odds as
and probability as
You might wonder why we define this. In the following developments, you will find this definition will make the result be consistent with regression.
With some simple algebra,
We can define our loss function as cross entropy, such that
in which
We want to find which can minimize the loss, in symbol,
We could directly work on Equation 6 with gradient descent or closed-form solution, such that
However, this will be quite complex.
We can use Taylor series to approximate the loss fucntion, you should convince yourself this will make things simpler, such that
Caveat Caveat Two kinds of derivatives of appeared here, one is w.r.t.
and one is w.r.t.
With Equation 9, and set
can be solved that
With Equation 6, the first order derivative with respect to can be calculated as
with some illustration
The second derivative of with respect to
- 1.Dana D. Sleep Data Personal Sleep Data from Sleep Cycle iOS App. Kaggle. https://www.kaggle.com/danagerous/sleep-data#