Recently, a strong desire arises to know who I am, what I want to do and where I want to go. This thought gets overwhelming recently. I always struggle with which the thing I should focus on. My interest quickly wanes as long as I become adept with the thing I am working on. But things start to change. I realize if I cannot find it difficult to settle among all the ideas, so do many others. I heard a lot of people saying ‘idea is cheap’. But a thought keeps lurking in my mind — Not every mountain is mineral and not every one has golden ideas. I believe some people value their ideas. Empirically, those people affluent of good ideas tends to be reluctant to hard working. ‘Hard-working’ might not be accurate here. A better description should be ‘being cautious of labor’.
Therefore, I want to create an AI-assited platform The Art of Only Ideas to help people protect and profit from their ideas. In addition to this, this platform can help them proceed their ideas to a MVP level with AI tools like the WordCards, WordOrigins, VideoCaptioner, MultilingualTranscriber, AutoPublication system I created. With these all the AI tools backend, people can easily express their ideas and present it as a product or service either in research, reading, language, music, writing and movie making. This is the direct implementation of Steve Jobs’s idea-based working environment. This platform can help people like me ample with ideas to have an easier way to live a life we expect and full-fill our potential.
As I gradually find myself at my 30s, or still not clearly and totally, I was thinking why I don’t use AI tools like 4o tasks of ChatGPT to help me discover myself. So I set a task to ask me question for self discover daily and a daily warning based on Charlie Munger’s invert mindset. I found these questions are so useful that it makes me feel satisfied and complete. It helps me to crystalize my thoughts. Moreover, it diminishs anxiety of misaligned mind and help align myself with my passion and desire.
I listed these questions below and I’ll keep update it. And I will try to answer it with my first thought.
Table of Contents
What is something you enjoyed doing as a child that still excites you today?
I read a piece of philosophy at the age of 10 or 11. It’s Mao’s On Contradiction and On Practice. It’s interesting I randomly chose the two articles in a large tome. Forget about the ideology and the person, the article still overwhelmed me with the way of thinking as it’s the first time I reach out to this. I think this could me the initial catalyst to activate my mind to think.
The thinking journey proceeded. In high school, I was daydreaming about help Africa people to develop and prosper after the reading of Rain, Please Go to Africa by Kim Hye-ja. The fact that I am still struggling with my own life makes this more funny.
What kind of moments make you feel the most alive?
When I verify my ideas, I feel the most alive.
What kind of work or activity makes you forget about time?
When I learn new knowledge, design and develop a product, and validate a thought in my mind, I forget about the time.
When I develop the WordsCard or AutoPublication system, I can work without feeling the time.