1, Redirect SAE domain
- rewrite: if(in_header["host"] ~ "^www.yovisun.me" && path ~ "^(.*)$") goto "http://www.yovisun.com$1 [L,QSA,R=301]"
2, Bought the domain on West.cn
3, Create droplets on Digital Ocean with one-click WordPress
ssh-keygen -trsa -C "835570372@qq.com"
- Convert OpenSSH private key to Putty private key with Putty Key Generator (puttygen)
Start puttygen, and click on Conversions->Import key, then click Browse and select the private key generated with openssh (e.g. id_rsa).
Then click on Save private key (e.g. id_rsa_putty.ppk) - Putty SSH login with private key.
Now you can start Putty, enter the machine IP address or url as usual, then go to Connection->SSH->Auth.
Click Browse, and select your private key file (e.g. id_rsa_putty.ppk), go back to Session and save the session. You should now be able to login to the server.
4, Set the DNS records of the Domain to IP of droplets and create corresponding records on droplets
5, SSH login to droplets using Putty and follow the default settings with Enter
6, Login to
7, import